Monday, October 8, 2018

Types Of Cloud Computing ! Private Cloud , Public Cloud, Hybrid Cloud

Cloud computing is an effective way to keep your data safe and secure also
giving you an ability to access your data anywhere at any time. Before cloud
computing wasnt necessary but in today world it is a must. Every company
uses certain type of cloud to store its data
There are 3 main types of cloud computing.

1. Private Cloud
2. Public Cloud
3. Hybrid Cloud.

All these clouds play an important role in managing and maintaining the data
1.Private Cloud
You can easily understand the name itself about the type of cloud this is.
Private clouds are those clouds that are not open to everyone like the public
In private cloud, the user has to either create an account and pay for its usage.
Private cloud is more securethan public clouds as there are secured using

various codes and not easy to hack into this cloud.
Private clouds dont have limits of uploading data like the public cloud.
They are high priced and suitable for conglomerates.
There are many private clouds available on internet like Google drive to name
a few.

2. Public Cloud
Public clouds are kind of free but not completely free cloud servers.
Public cloud is essential and easy to access and users can easily access their
stored data effectively.
Its less expensive compared to private cloud.
They are suitable for medium business as they have a limited amount of data
It's pay per use and low cost. Its not suitable for all business as it has a limit to
its safety.
3. Hybrid Cloud
Its like a mixture of private cloud and public cloud.
For example: – If company A has sensitive information then it can use a
personal cloud to store information while relying on public cloud PRN.
Its low cost and can be afforded by companies that cannot afford their own
cloud or public cloud

Cloud computing is an effective way to keep your data safe and secure also
giving you an ability to access your data anywhere at any time. Before cloud
computing wasnt necessary but in today world it is a must. Every company
uses certain type of cloud to store its data
There are 3 main types of cloud computing.